Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Questions for Reflection Part Three

The Star

What replenishes you?
I love coming home after a long day and sitting in my room with my dog and just recharging myself. Being by myself and not having anyone else's energy or emotions influencing my energy is what a need to do everyday to keep emotionally and spiritually stable. 

What brings you hope?
People who are selfless. I love seeing things on Facebook or in the news of people saving other people, performing selfless acts and putting others before themselves. We do not see enough of this in social media today and are only told of the bad and negative things going on in the world.  

How are you helping make the world a better place?
By getting my education, I am hoping to become a youth an adolescent psychologist. I really want to heal children who don't understand that there isn't something "wrong" with them, they just need some guidance and someone to be there for them. I want to counsel a generation of children that are empathetic and understanding of their own goals but want to help others achieve their goals as well. There is not enough focus on the mental well being of children in today's society because all of the attention has been thrown onto the adults. If we intervene when they are children, we can prevent them from committing negative acts as adults.

What are you in the process of healing?
I am in the process of healing myself. I've been in this process for over a year now and I am not sure I will ever end this process. A year and a half ago after I lost my grandfather, I was diagnosed with depression, ADHD and a generalized anxiety disorder. I had been exhibiting characteristics of all three of these illness for at least 4 years before this but my Opa's death amplified them to the highest degree. I didn't want to exist. Not that I wanted to physically harm myself, because I have wanted to before and have tried  but I could never get my soul to cause harm to my body. I just simply did not want to wake up everyday and go through the motions. It proved to be overwhelming and ultimately devastating on my mental health. I am medicated now and go to therapy, and have sought out comfort in being spiritual in regards to my Opa. I know he is with me because I receive signs everyday. 

In what activity do you receive back as much, if not more, than what you give?
Just interacting with children in animals. I love babysitting and honestly do not care how much I get paid when I do it. I love being around little children and just studying their mannerisms and seeing how eager they are to please and be loved and to have fun. The same goes with animals. When I volunteered at my local animal shelter last year it was so heart warming how excited every single dog was to just have me pet them or take them out for a walk. They were so grateful for every human interaction and I was just as grateful for the love they offered in return. 

When have you experienced a cleansing and renewal?
I think the whole process of me beginning college has been a cleansing and a renewal. I really hated high school and was more than ready to leave by the time I graduated. I have not felt overwhelmed with college as other students have expressed and I think it is because I have already experienced what it is like to feel that stressed out everyday for months at a time. I know that I am divinely loved and protected and there is nothing to be afraid about. 

The Sun

What is your most powerful form of self-expression? (Where do you shine?)
I shine when I dance. There is nothing better than performing a routine that you feel confident about, you love the moves, you love the song and have put your soul into performing something that conveys your personal emotions. 

What doubts or insecurities have you overcome?
I have overcome being insecure about my skin. I have been made fun of since I was little by adults and kids about how light my skin is. I honestly love my skin now and I think it is one of my best features. I don't understand why people feel it is appropriate to say "wow you're so white". If they said that to a black person it would be an issue of racism. I've had an old man tell me I should go to the beach with baby oil and tan up to look like a "nigger" baby. I would be so bothered by kids calling me Casper when I was younger but now I joke about it and embrace it because it makes me stand out from other people and is simply a beautiful shade of skin (plus I can rock bright shades of lipstick). 

Who championed you and helped you appreciate or develop your gifts and talents?
My dancer teacher Carol has always been so encouraging not only with dance but with everything in my life. She always tells me how smart I am and how I am too hard on myself and that I can do anything I want to do. She understands how high of a standard I hold myself to and always tries to have me look realistically and the standards I am holding myself to. This is the same with my mom in every aspect of my life. She is not only my support system but my reality check when I need it. 

Where in life are you a leader, and how do you help others thrive under your leadership?
I think I am a leader when it comes to standing up for yourself, what you believe in and not bowing down to others. I feel like you should never accept something just because someone says it is so, you should express your feelings if you think someone has hurt you and you should be an advocate for issues you feel are important. I use social media to bring attention to things I feel are wrong and unjust in the world but are looking for other outlets to express my ideas about things such as mental health advocacy, gun violence and women's body rights. 

What could you do to bring more joy into your life?
I really need to get myself to mediate and go yoga weekly if not daily. My body has been hurting since I stopped dance and I have also been a little bummed out about my lack of intuition and a decrease in my psychic abilities lately. I know that both of these forms of exercise are linked to heightening psychic abilities and reducing anxiety, stretching out your muscles and toning your body for a better overall feeling daily. 

What are you most optimistic about?
I am optimistic about finding a career that I love. At this point in my life, going to school to get a degree, I do not want to get into a field that I will make a good deal of money in but hate going to work everyday, I feel that your career is a key component to your life's happiness and I want to make an impact on the world in a positive way. 

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