Thursday, September 17, 2015

Questions for Reflection

Putting yourself in the position of "being the card" helps allow you to gain a deeper and more personal understanding of their meanings. 

The Hierophant:

What doctrine or philosophy  guides your life?
About a year ago, after I lost my grandfather, I have been very interested in spiritual teachings and practices. What I have come to find out through my studying of the "paranormal, supernatural etc." is that I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Even things that are painful, irritating and just flat out unbelievable. Each thing happens as a way for us to continue to grow and find our true Self. There are too many "coincidences" in this world that there is honestly no such thing. The universe was planning it out for you already based on the energy you are giving to it. 

Which of your family or religious traditions do you find most meaningful?
My family is not very religious, but I feel as though my mother, grandmother and I are very spiritual. My family is very close and we get together for every big holiday, for everyone's birthday, graduation, play, dance recital, big football game etc. I think I just cherish how easy it is for us to call one another up and plan a Sunday where we can all get together and have dinner and just talk. It is nothing extravagant or anything that involves much planning or activities; just being in one another's company is so comforting. 

At whose feet would you cherish the opportunity to sit and learn?
If I could sit with my grandfather when I was my mothers age, that would be the person I would want to learn from the most. He was so intelligent and patient and loved his job. Although I am not interested in what he did for a living, I really would want him to teach me about life and his experiences. He was a man of few words and to be able to have an extensive conversation on his beliefs and knowledge would be so incredible and note worthy. 

What is the best advice you ever gave or received?
My mother has always been there when I have had my anxiety attacks, or flipped out because I lost a hair clip, or just don't want to be on the earth at any given moment. She has always told me " do not worry so much, it's not healthy. Stop jumping to the worst conclusion first." What is the importance of this in the grand scheme of things?" I always replay this over in my head when I am about to get really worked up over something. It is not some profound wisdom that I carry with me throughout my daily life, but it definitely forces me to reflect on my emotions and reactions when I feel like the world is caving in around me (and usually it isn't because I create most of it in my head.)

What beliefs or ideas would you like to transmit to others?
I want people to know that there is always someone or something looking out for them and that they are loved more than they could possibly imagine. Everyone on earth has been born for a reason. Everyone on earth has family that has lived and died before them. They are watching us. They are guiding us. We are not the only things in existence. Energies far more divine than we are protecting us and healing us every day. You are never actually alone. There is someone or some energy that loves you and cares for you, even if you cannot see it. You are divinely loved. 

What long held beliefs or values no longer serve you?
I used to value having many friends. When I was younger, I thought the quantity of friends I had made me a better person. As a college student, I now know this is completely false. I have struggled to maintain friendships all of my life because of how strongly I put my well being before others wants and needs and that I am not afraid to speak my mind. I am now on a journey of finding a few valuable, incredible souls that are meant to be my friend on a molecular level, and will continue to be my friends well into our adult lives. 

The Emperor:

What needs to get organized in your life?
My emotions, for sure. My emotions are up and down and left and right all day every day. It is not just because I'm a hormonal teenage girl either. It's something deeper than that. I feel everything way too deeply and I wish I could separate my thoughts and feelings from other people's thoughts and feelings around me. 

When or with whom would it be useful to be more assertive?
I'd like to think of myself as a pretty assertive person, actually. Maybe with people at work who I feel are being condescending. I do not usually have trouble speaking my mind to people though. 

When or with whom are you too controlling?
My poor loving boyfriend. Oh my goodness I am a control freak. I don't tell him who he can hang out with and things like that. It's things like his driving, the way he says certain things. I force him to say bless you after I sneeze and make him help clean my car. I am very hard on him and he takes it like a champ but I really should back off of him a tad. He's so sweet and quiet it's hard for him to say no. 

Who in your life most exemplifies Emperor qualities?
I would have to say my father most exemplifies being competent, firm, rational, specific, forceful, authoritative, protective, etc. Especially with me and my sisters. He is the "man of the house" and he "works two full time jobs" (he never lets us forget"). He always wants the chores done and for us to do as we're told and not talk back. He likes things his way or no way and he always needs his ideas and opinions to be heard. 

How easy is it for you to stand up for yourself?
Extremely easy. I have always stood up for myself ever since I was younger because no one else would do it for me. I have to protect myself in order to grow up and protect others and have a family. If I feel that I am being treated unfairly I make it known. 

How easily able are you to act on your own decisions without the need of approval?
Relatively easily. The only people I seek approval from are my mom and my boyfriend. Other than that I couldn't care less about what others think of me. I do what I want because I want to do it, not because someone else thinks I should. It has been a very long time since I have actively searched for approval in others who are not my mom and my boyfriend. I feel that the people who are the most active in my life are the only one's who should have a say in what I do. 

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